Generally speaking, HB are much more mid heavy than a typical SC, so brighter sounds from a SC are absolutely what I would expect. But its a drastic difference for me when switching to my strat or tele. Not many people seem to hear this on the Kemper. This bugs me, because my ears have always heard single coils as sounding smoother than humbuckers thru a tube amp because they aren't pushing the amp so much, especially on gain.

Where the humbuckers are smooth and defined, I get this harsh almost metallic sound using my Strat on the same profiles (Top Jimi and M Britt). When I switch to my strat, I hear what Drandall probably best described as an algorithm issue. Running my Carvin CT6 with humbuckers thru the Kemper sounds godly. I am also having trouble going from hums to singles.

To create and combine a large number of profiles that reflect every possible amp-setting into a complete amp-model would be a tedious process, but could be very useful to those creating and selling commercial profiles. Somewhere down the line Kemper may extend profiling into modelling to possibly be able to combine a set of profiles to achieve more of an amp-model than the current snapshot. The controls on the KPA are unable to accurately model the behaviour of the controls on the real amp until the KPA develops robotic arms so that it can twist the amps knobs as part of the profiling process and incorporate those variations in the model. In some cases it is possible to compensate with EQ, but not always. Now, if i take the HB-profile and use it with SCs it may sound a bit harsh.

Dial in the amp for SCs, then profile, and the result is the same. If I dial in an amp for HBs and make a profile, it is near impossible in an A/B-test to hear the difference between what comes out of the mic in front of the AMP and what comes out of the KPA.