It is the ULTIMATE Call Of Duty Game to have. Not only that, but out of all the games in the Call Of Duty Franchise, this is the best. Not only that, but out of all the games in the The First great Shooter for the Xbox 360? You bet your whole 120 million dollar mansion it is. The First great Shooter for the Xbox 360? You bet your whole 120 million dollar mansion it is. The team has also employed a state-of-the-art Battle Chatter System that brings the action to life as squad-mates bark out context-sensitive updates in real-time to players through an advanced A.I. Weather effects such as the dusty sandstorms of North Africa and whiteout blizzard conditions of Russia, for example, will keep soldiers glued to their bunkers. Concealment can be key as battlefield smoke or even deployed smoke grenades cloud visibility. technology set the stage for authentic squad combat and astonishing action. Squads now have the freedom to take on a variety of mission objectives, on expansive battlefields that allow for multiple paths and the ability to utilize actual combat tactics like outflanking and fire and maneuver capabilities. Infinity Ward has also expanded the scope of combat to deliver a truly realistic battlefield experience. Players have the freedom to follow each of the four storylines through for the ultimate character-driven experience, or they can engage in the historic battles chronologically for quick hitting action. Players have the freedom to follow each of the four storylines through for the ultimate character-driven experience, or they can engage in the historic battles Call of Duty 2 lets players experience four individual soldier stories as they overcome insurmountable odds in multiple campaigns.

Summary: Call of Duty 2 lets players experience four individual soldier stories as they overcome insurmountable odds in multiple campaigns."Of the shooters available on the 360 at launch, Call of Duty 2 is easily the most accessible and consistently entertaining single player offering, but if online is your thing you're better off considering what Rare has to offer." He wasn't as keen on the game's multiplayer, however.
"While controversy will doubtlessly rage over the neutered online mode, the single player campaign's easily strong enough on its own to carry the game," wrote Eurogamer's then-editor Kristan Reed of Infinity Ward's sequel in his Call of Duty 2 review. We rather liked it at the time, especially for the glitz and glamour it brought to the single-player campaign, which must have been something in those days. Infinity Wards' 2005 shooter was the series' console debut as it was a launch title for the Xbox 360. Call of Duty 2 has joined the Xbox One's backwards compatibility library today.