Which bet would you rather take, 6 numbers between 1-50 or 6 numbers between 1-15? Incredibly, this program will show you that any winning lotto number can be picked from only 15 numbers. The options are almost without limitations.The most important tool for every serious PICK 3 lottery player. This system allows you to design, compare predictions, previous drawings, reduce numbers to a payable level by using strong filters such as high/low, even/odd, sum range, root sums, key numbers and more. Pick 3 Number Evaluation and Reduction System. Best wheel making software ever !!! If this link is not working visit Lotto-Logix's Wheel Links page instead for a copy. Virtually free, get it while you still can. Wheel builder a fantastic wheel construction program. Wheeling system software for lotto, keno. Using it's internal program calculations this tool evaluates all the numbers around your selections and finds the missing numbers for you to play. Prediction software for the stock market, stock index, lottery number, forecasting, forecast, earnings, revenue, short term, long term, interest rates, commodity, etc. Lottery Filters! The Advanced Lotto Tool offers up to 14 filter categories. Money saving option is included! Apply filters that eliminate tickets with unlikely number combinations. The Advanced Lotto Tool is a professional lottery software for players or the groups of players, full-featured and advanced lottery analysis program, which helps you select tickets for any lottery - Pick-5, Pick-6 and Pick-7, with up to 2 bonus or PowerBall numbers. A Must Read for all Serious Lottery Players. Win Your Lottery Advance copies of our new ebook, Win Your Lottery by Lotto-Logix (Robert Perkis) are now available.

Lotto-Logix: Directory of Lottery Software